Political Science – Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Govt. College

Political Science


About The Department

The Department of Political Science has an intake capacity of 33 students per year. The Department follows the course as designed by the West Bengal State University. The syllabus offers an all-comprehensive understanding of political science with focus on different aspects like political theory, political thought, comparative politics, international relations, public administration, etc. Teaching includes classroom lectures, provision of various handouts to students as well as their occasional evaluation. The department also has a library with a rich collection of books on Political Science in both English and Bengali.

Apart from academics, the students are also encouraged to participate in various extra-curricular activities like sports, social work, cultural events and the like that is deemed to enhance their capacity building thereby helping in their holistic development.

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Drona Bandyopadhyay (HOD)

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In collaboration with IQAC, the department of Political Science organised a one-day seminar and discussion on “Remembering the Lessons of Mahatma” on 30.01.2024, in room no. 14 at 1:30 pm.

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Class Room

Classrooms are spacious, airy and ICT enabled


Science departments have state-of-the art laboratories


Library has thousands of books and friendly staff to assist the students


Green 5 acres large college campus adds a positive vibe to the teaching-learning environment