Publications – Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Govt. College



The college faculties are actively involved in pursuing research and contributing immensely to their respective fields. Each of the faculties has several publications in reputed national and international journals. They regularly edit books and write monographs which are also published globally. Faculty publications are available in their faculty profiles under Academics>Departments>Subjects.

The college publishes a bi-lingual annual magazine Anweshan. This magazine provides opportunity to the students and faculties to express their ideas and emotions in words and images. This has also become a platform where students and teachers exchange their ideas.

Faculties have handled and are handling several research projects funded by different public bodies. Dr. Suman Nath, Department of Anthropology has recently completed a UGC-funded research project and Dr. Riddhi Datta, Department of Botany has completed a research project funded by SERB, Government of India and is currently working on a couple of research projects funded by SERB, Government of India and DBT, Government of West Bengal.

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